Further Courses/ Workshops and additional Dates will be added throughout the year, so keep an eye out for these.
If you are interested in a course, not listed below or require a different date -
please get in contact and I will do my best to help you.
To book your place on one of the below course dates simply call
Keeley on 07591 710580.

In person classes
I hold a variety of inperson guided meditation classes. New moon and Full moon meditation circles etc
TBC on facebook
Class Prices Vary.
See FB for more details
You need to bring a Yoga Mat, Pillow to make sure your comfy
( and a bottle of water incase you need one is always a good idea ) Chairs are Yoga mats can be provided
There is limited spaces available,
so booking is essential.

In person Sister Circles
In person Sister Circles
I hold a variety of sister circles celebrating the sabbets, moon phases, manifesting, sound baths etc, and hold workshops with amazing guest speakers.
These are 7pm - 9pm
Date TBC on facebook.
You need to bring a Yoga Mat, Pillow to make sure your comfy
( and a bottle of water incase you need one is always a good idea ) Chairs are Yoga mats can be provided
There is limited spaces available,
so booking is essential.

Online New Moon and
Full Moon Monthly Ritual / Meditations
Online New Moon and
Full Moon Monthly Ritual / Meditations
Every New Moon and Full Moon I hold an online facebook live, which consists of a ritual, ceremony or info and a meditation or card pull.
This is Free for my VIP or Academy members, but is available as a pay as you go at just £7 per meditation.
If you wish to attend one make sure you have me on facebook and simply message me for full details and links.
See facebook events for details

Angelic Reiki 1 & 2
(Practitioner Level)
In person
Angelic Reiki 1 & 2
(Practitioner Level)
In person
This workshop is quite literally life changing. This is the unique original healing system of Angelic Reiki that was taught by Kevin Core. The workshop is taught over two and a half days. Working hand in hand with the Angelic Realms, Ascended Masters and Galactic Beings, this workshop will teach you about profound healing for yourself and others along with distant healing. It will transform your consciousness awareness, personal development and ascension. Angelic Reiki is a powerful healing system that works with (energies of 100% pure light) the highest and brightest energies of the Angelic Realm. These Angelic beings channel through you as a Practitioner for healing and cleansing on family, friends and clients. Angelic Reiki draws from the Usui and Shamballa lineage and combines these with the powerful transmissions channelled by Kevin Core. Angelic attunements impact differently to Usui Reiki, profoundly at molecular level; it will change your DNA, your cells and molecules and activate your light body. Course includes karma cutting and Angelic clearing before attunement. Full attunements to Angelic Reiki ~ 1st & 2nd degree levels. An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through Archangel Metatron. Gain hands on healing experience channelling Angelic Reiki energy. Guidance on self healing, distant healing, treatment on pregnant women, children and animals. Advice on healing practicalities. A Beautiful Quartz Master Crystal to hold the Angelic codes of healing. A full and comprehensive training manual. Certificate of training achievement to 1st & 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki and my on going continued support.
You will be a qualified Angelic practitioner and able to gain insurance.
Next course dates are :- TBC

Angelic Reiki 3 & 4
(Master Level)
In person
Angelic Reiki 3 & 4
(Master Level)
In person
You must all ready hold an Angelic Reiki 1 & 2 Certificate to attend this workshop. The workshop is taught over two and a half days. Working hand in hand with the Angelic Realms, Ascended Masters and Galactic Beings, this workshop will enhance your connection to the Angelic Realm. Creating a deeper bond with your healing angel, the highest and brightest energies of the Angelic Realm. Angelic Reiki draws from the Usui and Shamballa lineage and combines these with the powerful transmissions channelled by Kevin Core. Angelic attunements impact differently to Usui Reiki, profoundly at molecular level; it will change your DNA, your cells and molecules and activate your light body.
Course includes karma cutting and Angelic clearing before attunement. Full attunements to Angelic Reiki ~ 3rd & 4th degree levels.
An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through Archangel Metatron. Gain more hands on healing experience channelling Angelic Reiki energy. Further guidance on self healing, distant healing, going over what was taught it level 1 & 2. Share our experiences of Angelic healing since 1 & 2 and Angelic encounters. You will experience soul group healing, multidimensional healing and receive advice on how to teach Angelic Reiki. You will practice reading out some of the course material in front of your group.
You will receive a full and comprehensive 3 & 4 training manual and Master training manual.
Certificate of training achievement to 3rd & 4th - Master Teacher Degree in Angelic Reiki. With the certificate you will be able to teach Angelic Reiki as well as give treatments. You will also receive my on going support.
Next course date is :-
TBC on Facebook

Usui Reiki One
In person
Usui Reiki One
In person
During this one day course you will be attuned to Reiki in a way that enables you to use it for self healing and to help family and close friends.
Includes Reiki manual, Attunement, Lineage, Certificate and my
on going support.
Once attuned you will never lose the ability to use Reiki.
You will be given a symbol to
work with.
I will also share with you how to protect yourselves.
The attunement dramatically raises the human frequency and enables you to access specific frequencies of energy.
You will sense the integral purpose of Usui Reiki and that will enhance your ability to look at life in a more loving and peaceful way.
Next course dates are:- :-
TBC on Facebook

Usui Reiki Two
In person
Usui Reiki Two
In person
This one day course will enhance your ability to work with the Reiki energy, it creates a deeper understanding and sense of Reiki energy. The introduction of another 2 sacred symbols empowers the Reiki energy and it will enable you to send distance Reiki to situations and people that aren't physically next to you. After this course you will be able to practice Reiki professionally, get insurance, charge for your treatments and join a Reiki Association if you feel you want too. You also don't have to want to treat others, you can do Reiki Two just for you, enhancing your own connection and helping with your spiritual development.
Next Course date is..

Children's Reiki
(Level one)
In person
Children's Reiki
(Level one)
In person
During this workshop children are taught the basics of Reiki, how to give themselves and others treatments.
All teachings are age appropriate and bespoke to the child's individual needs.
They will receive a manual appropriate for their age, receive a certificate, a copy of their lineage and my on going support in the future when needed.
No Current dates scheduled.
Please message me if your interested in booking for your child and I'll organise a course date.

Crystals for Kids
(4-11 years old)
In person or workshop available online.
Crystals for Kids
(4-11 years old)
In person or workshop available online.
This two hour workshop, is a fun experience for parent (guardian)
and child.
Includes a FREE Chakra Crystal Set, with information on these crystals to take home.
PDF, learn how to cleanse and charge your crystals, crystal meditation and free time to make crystal mandalas if you'd like too.
No Current dates scheduled.
Inbox or call for more information.
£35 per person. Discount for group booking online.

Rose Reiki
Inperson or Online
Rose Reiki embodies the Divine Feminine Ray and is overseen by the Divine Feminine Archetypes such as Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Aphrodite, Mary Magdalene and many others.
It is the perfect healing energy to balance and harmonize the feminine energies in ourselves and that of our beautiful planet, Mother Earth.
Both Online and in person courses Cover:- An Explanation of Rose Reiki, Meditation, How to use Rose Reiki, An Attunement to Rose Reiki. Self healing and distance healing Practice
You will receive a Manual and a Rose Reiki Certificate.
Once you have received your attunement, you are then empowered to pass this wonderful healing on and attune others. (Run your own courses)
The class, manual provides all that you need to share this gift with others.
Next date scheduled for online is ...
For Inperson...
Please message me if your interested or want to know more.
Rose Reiki
Inperson or Online
Rose Reiki embodies the Divine Feminine Ray and is overseen by the Divine Feminine Archetypes such as Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Aphrodite, Mary Magdalene and many others.
It is the perfect healing energy to balance and harmonize the feminine energies in ourselves and that of our beautiful planet, Mother Earth.
Both Online and in person courses Cover:- An Explanation of Rose Reiki, Meditation, How to use Rose Reiki, An Attunement to Rose Reiki. Self healing and distance healing Practice
You will receive a Manual and a Rose Reiki Certificate.
Once you have received your attunement, you are then empowered to pass this wonderful healing on and attune others. (Run your own courses)
The class, manual provides all that you need to share this gift with others.
Next date scheduled for online is ...
For Inperson...
Please message me if your interested or want to know more.
Cancellation and Deposit Policy
Deposits for all workshops must be paid to secure your place.
Please note: - All deposits are non refundable, but are transferable to another date if a minimum of two weeks notice is given.
Payment arrangements can be made to spread the cost of courses.
Course fees must be paid two weeks before course date, unless a payment arrangement has been made.
On full day courses refreshments will be provided, but please ensure you bring your own packed lunch and a bottle of water.
Deposits for all treatments must be paid to secure your appointment.
Please note: - Due to the high number of no shows or last minute cancellations,
all deposits are now non refundable if at least 48 hours notice is not given. This includes pamper parties.
To book on to any course please contact Keeley at the details below...
and for treatments feel free to contact either Keeley or Monica...